Healthy snacks

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Healthy snacks

Because 3 meals satisfy the need to feel full. But do not suppress the desire to eat, snacks or crispy snacks play a very important role. So much so that in the United States, snacks account for 11% of meals. At the same time, many people in our country are beginning to care about their health and look for more natural flavors.

This is the origin of healthy snacks or crispy snacks as follows:

1. Snack bars or cereal bars. Swap out sugary snacks for snack bars with healthy ingredients like white beans, basil, and olive oil. Corn, quinoa, and even fruit bars are also popular. Which can help curb those afternoon sugar cravings.

2. Chips Instead of potato chips, try switching to veggie chips. Which are made from real vegetables, seasoned with a little oil and salt. Which is delicious even for those. Who don’t like eating raw vegetables.

3. Crispy insects, a high-protein source that is currently a hot trend in the food industry. For those who don’t like insects but want high protein, there are products made from insects that can be ground up and sprinkled on other foods.

4. Ready-to-drink snacks: Drinks that are convenient to eat and carry around, suitable for both children and adults, including athletes. Who need quick nutrition, such as ready-to-drink yogurt. Which has low sugar but high protein. But don’t forget that even though it’s a healthy snack. That doesn’t mean it can eaten throughout the day or replace main meal.

Things to know

Snack food groups with health alternative labels guaranteed to have no more than 150 calories per serving and contain appropriate amounts of sugar, fat, or sodium. This can use decision-making tool when choosing to purchase products.